Post by Amanda Kimmel on Sept 6, 2011 0:55:23 GMT -5
Survivor: Grand Cayman
Leon [Winner] MORP
Carole [Runner-Up] MOR
Avery [3rd Place] CPN
Caleb [4th Place] UTR
Stephanie [5th Place] CPM
April [6th Place] UTR
Lauren [7th Place] MORN
Trip [8th Place] MORN
Renee [9th Place] CPN
Mitch [10th Place] MORP
Kerry [11th Place] CPP
Jack [12th Place] MORP
Neil [13th Place] OTTN
Maggie [14th Place] MORP
Harley [15th Place] UTRP
Bre [16th Place] OTTM
Original Tribes
Taino- Renee, Lauren, Jack, Kerry, Harley, April, Mitch, Trip
Agouti- Bre, Leon, Neil, Maggie, Caleb, Stephanie, Avery, Carole
Back to the original Borneo format. Shocking I know.
Immunity: Taino
Voted Out: Bre [7-1] maggie
[Strategy] After losing the first immunity challenge horribly, the Agouti tribe decides that they need to vote someone out who is hindering them physically. The target is put onto Maggie's back immediately, which upsets her because she works her hardest. We are introduced to both Neil and Avery in an ironic way. Neil confesses he wants to be the greatest villain this game has ever seen, and sets a plan in motion to keep Maggie around and get in complete control. This is compared with Avery, who confesses that he doesn't like to be the bad guy, but if he has to lie, cheat, and steal- he'll do it. An inner circle is created in the tribe consisting of Avery, Caleb, Leon, Neil, and Stephanie. Leon seems to be the tribe's leader, and he says he takes this role with a great honor. He admits that he'll have to be both under-the-radar and in charge if he wants it to work out. The alliance discusses voting out Maggie, while Neil points out that Bre is very lazy obviously loud so she can here. Bre gets up and asks him what he said, creating a confrontation. Neil and Bre get into it, and Caleb makes a comment about Neil being a loose cannon. At Tribal Council, the tribe keeps the hard-working Maggie over the lazy Bre.
[Characters] Bre OTTM3, Leon MORP3, Neil OTTN4, Maggie CPP3, Caleb UTR2, Stephanie UTR1, Avery CP2, Carole UTR1
Immunity: Agouti
Voted Out: Harley [5-3] harley/kerry/jack vote Renee
[Strategy] Pairs formed up on the Taino tribe very quickly. Renee and Mitch, Lauren and Trip, April and Jack, and Kerry and Harley. Renee was very close with Mitch, bonding over their daughters, when Mitch confided that he was homeless. Renee realizes that she cannot go to the end with Mitch and needs to find greener grasses. As a mother, she has a very close relationship with her daughters and enjoys the company of Lauren and April. She says that they should look out for each other and try to go after Harley & Kerry, who are outcasts in their own right. April seems skeptical because Jack is very smitten with Harley. Kerry thinks that Renee should go because she performed worse in the challenge, and he confides this in Trip and Lauren. Lauren however goes back and tells Renee. The new alliance of six convenes together and discuss who should leave of the two of them, and when Harley is brought up, Jack defends her. Renee says that Jack should have no ties outside of the alliance and therefore must vote out Harley. Jack doesn't like how Renee is taking control. At Tribal Council, Jack defines Renee and votes with Harley against her, but Harley is still voted out 5-3.
[Characters] Renee CPN5, Lauren MORN3, Jack CP4, Kerry CPP3, Harley UTRP2, April MOR2, Mitch UTRP1, Trip UTR1
Immunity: Taino
Voted Out: Maggie [6-1] carole
[Strategy] Realizing that Taino voted out their weakest link and then won makes Stephanie think that Maggie should go this time. Her and Carole are both on the outs of the tribe, but she thinks that Carole does better in challenges. She confesses that the quality of females on her tribe is less-than-spectacular. Caleb makes a comment that Stephanie is superwoman. Carole is worried because no one has really made an alliance with her and she is sure that alliances are made at this point. She asks Avery for an alliance and Avery accepts. He confesses that he'll keep Carole on the side and that'll help him in the grand scheme of things. He notes that she is very logical, but picks up horribly on social cues which will only benefit him. He laughs. Avery discusses with Leon voting out Maggie, and Leon is reluctant because Maggie is such a great force on the tribe. She is kind and hard-working, but doesn't do well in challenges.
[Characters] Caleb MOR2, Stephanie MORM3, Leon CP3, Avery CPN4, Maggie UTRP2, Carole CP4, Neil UTR1
Immunity: Taino
Voted Out: Neil [6-1] caleb
[Strategy] With Carole being the next one to go obviously, Neil wants to shake things up and try to get Caleb voted out, because Caleb messed up the puzzle at the challenge. He tells Leon the vote is for Neil which causes him to be completely confused. He talks to Avery and Avery says he doesn't know what Neil is talking about. While Avery speaks to Stephanie, he tells her that she's flat-chested and she laughs. She confesses that she likes his blunt and cynical sense of humor. Avery confesses that his plan is to pretend that he is 'brutally honest' all of the time but then just lie to everyone's face. Stephanie asks him if he has any final two deals yet, and he lies and says no. They make a pact for the final two. Meanwhile, Leon tells Neil that Caleb isn't leaving and that Leon is just making stuff up. Leon denies this and tells Leon that he has complete control and that Leon should watch his back as the leader. This scares Leon and later, he talks to everyone and they agree to vote out Leon. The votes are shown as they are cast for Leon, and he leaves unanimously.
[Characters] Neil OTTN5, Leon CPP4, Avery CPN4, Stephanie CP3, Carole UTR1, Caleb UTR2
Immunity: Agouti
Voted Out: Jack [5-1-1] jack votes kerry, mitch votes renee
[Strategy] The three girls meet up to discuss who should go that night and Lauren says that she wouldn't mind voting Trip out because he's arrogant and it annoys her. April loves Jack and doesn't want him to get voted out, while Renee points out that she likes Mitch but April will have to 'cut someone's throat' eventually. Kerry realizes that he's on the chopping block and goes to Renee to try to get Jack to go before him. Kerry says that she should understand that he couldn't vote out his pal Harley, which she understands just fine. She appreciates his honesty and decides Jack is a much bigger threat (mostly because he betrayed the alliance). Mitch has an issue voting out Jack because Renee preached about not breaking apart from the alliance and Mitch doesn't like the power-hungry side of Renee. Simultaneously, Jack comes out of the closet to April, which disgusts her. She smiles to his face but confesses that being gay is not of Christ and therefore she cannot support that. At the girls meeting, April says she is fine using Jack from now on and Renee asks if she wouldn't mind voting him out tonight. April says she wouldn't. At Tribal Council, Jack says what a moment it was for him and April's true colors come out. Jack ends up getting most of the votes, but Mitch casts a vote for Renee and says it's to 'bring [her] down a peg'.
[Characters] Mitch MORP2, Kerry CPP4, Jack OTTP3, Trip UTRN1, Renee CPN5, April MORN4, Lauren MOR2
Immunity: Agouti
Voted Out: Kerry [5-1] april
[Strategy] Kerry is hanging on by a thread and doesn't know how to get into the alliance in order to keep him safe. He goes to Trip to try to make him realize that the girls are together, but Trip is very confident and confesses that he has the game 'wrapped up' and will take Lauren to the end and beat her. Since Kerry is going, Trip doesn't mind lying to him a bit for fun and tells Kerry that he will do his best to keep him safe. Renee meanwhile is freaking out about the one vote that was for her, and accuses Kerry but he says it wasn't him. Mitch confesses that he wishes he hadn't had done it, because dealing with Renee at this point is unbearable. Speaking with Kerry, Kerry tells Mitch he'll be next if he doesn't shape up because the girls are all together. Mitch refutes this, but begins to worry. He notices now that Jack is gone that April follows Renee around like a pet. At Tribal Council, Kerry's attempts are futile and he is voted out unanimously.
[Characters] Trip OTTN3, Kerry MORP3, Mitch CP4, Renee OTTN4, April UTRN1, Lauren UTR1
Immunity: Agouti
Voted Out: Mitch [3-2] mitch/renee vote Trip
[Strategy] After losing the Immunity Challenge yet again, the tribe realizes that voting out all of the strong men has proven to be a hindrance. Knowing that the merge has to be next round, the girls decide who out of MItch and Trip will be voted out. Lauren things Mitch should go because he'll win in the finals, and Renee accuses her of just taking the words out of her mouth. Mitch confronts Renee about the female alliance and Renee confesses it's true. Mitch asks if he's going and Renee says it's very possible. Lauren and Trip are both seen flirting in the ocean, and both confessing how they hate each other and are just using each other. Renee speaks with April about voting for Trip, which makes her realize that she is the swing vote. Mitch discusses in confession how much of a great journey this has been for him and how much you realize you have when living in conditions like the ones he's in. Lauren goes to April and tells her that she trusts her 100%. April confesses that she really doesn't know what to do, because she has great relationships with both Lauren and Renee. At Tribal Council, April votes Mitch out and he leaves 3-2.
[Characters] April CP4, Renee CP4, Mitch CPP5, Trip MORN2, Lauren MORN3
Immunity: Trip
Voted Out: Renee [6-3] renee/lauren/trip vote caleb
[Strategy] The tribes merge into the new Carib tribe, where everyone seems to get along famously. Realizing that they have a distinct disadvantage, the old Taino tribe tries to save face somehow. Renee strikes up a conversation with Stephanie, and tries to talk about getting a female alliance going, to the final 5. Stephanie says she'll see and tells Avery about it immediately. Avery doesn't want another strategist in the game, so he tells his tribe that Renee is the leader (although this is true, he is lying). Leon makes a connection with April due to their Christian roots and April says she can see herself making a deal with Leon in the future. When Trip wins immunity (and celebrates very obnoxiously), the three girls immediately turn on each other. April clings to Leon while Renee tries to get Caleb voted out because Stephanie admits that 'he isn't close to anyone'. The former Agouti discuss voting out the girls, and they go back in forth between Renee and Lauren. In the end, Renee ends up getting the votes and becomes the first member of the jury.
[Characters] Renee CP4, Avery CPN4, Leon MORP3, April MOR3, Stephanie MORN3, Lauren UTR1, Trip UTRN1, Caleb UTR2, Carole MOR2
Immunity: Stephanie
Voted Out: Trip [7-1] lauren
[Strategy] Noticing how close Leon and April were getting, Avery decided that April should be the next one to go. Caleb, someone who has been very shy, confesses that he needs to start being proactive or he's going to get voted out. He makes a connection with Lauren and tells her that he likes her. Lauren realizes that now Caleb is a much better person to be with than Trip, so she lets Trip know how much she hates him. Trip retaliates and they fight about how horrible the other is. The rest of the tribesmates watch along as this happens. Caleb regrets that Lauren was the person he chose. Avery realizes that he doesn't have a strong grip as he thought he did when Leon, as the leader, says that Trip should go as an immunity threat. Even Avery's ally Carole agrees with Leon, which scares Avery. Stephanie the "superwoman' wins immunity but doesn't gloat like Trip did. Avery talks to Carole about voting out April and tells her why, and Carole confesses that she loves Leon and wants him to have someone that he can enjoy being around. In the end, Trip is voted out unanimously.
[Characters] Trip OTTN3, Lauren OTTN5, Avery CP3, Caleb CP3, Leon MORP3, Stephanie UTR2, April UTRP1, Carole MOR2
Immunity: Stephanie
Voted Out: Lauren [5-2] lauren/caleb vote april
[Strategy] Stephanie wins immunity once again, and by this time it is obvious that Lauren has paired up with Caleb and April has paired up with Leon. Avery creates a final three alliance of himself, Carole, and Stephanie. Stephanie isn't too sure about this and still wants to go to the final five with her original tribe, so she sets the groundwork to get Lauren out, because Caleb has no pull. She talks to Leon and April and they are both okay with the idea. She tells Avery how she's voting and Avery goes along with it. Stephanie says that only the strong should survive and that Lauren is not a 'strong person'. Lauren is shown playing the same game with Caleb that she did with Trip and this annoys April, who says that Lauren is just a spoiled girl. Carole feels bad for Caleb's shyness and they bond a little bit. She contemplates voting out Lauren at this point behind his back. At Tribal Council, the plan comes together and Lauren is sent packing.
[Characters] Stephanie CPN5, Lauren OTTN3, April MOR2, Leon UTR1, Avery MOR3, Carole CP4
Immunity: Stephanie
Voted Out: April [5-1] caleb
[Strategy] April confides to Leon about her backstabbing Jack pre-merge because of his 'wickedness', which completely upsets Leon. He realizes that his faith has been blinding him from the game and that he's used it as an escape from the game. he gets back into full force and realizes that he no longer has control of his tribe, but that Avery does. Stephanie and Avery seem very smitten, which Carole doesn't like because she is afraid she is going to be voted out come the final three. Carole continues her relationship with Caleb and the two make a pact to join together in the game. They bond over their awkwardness around people. Leon calls a meeting with everyone when April goes off to the bathroom and says that he knows he has been hanging out with her, but that he wants to be the leader of the tribe again. They all group-hug and his charm is evident. This makes Avery roll his eyes. Avery considers getting Leon out before April, which would make his game even more but Carole and Stephanie love him a lot. At Tribal Council, April is given the boot.
[Characters] April MORN3, Leon CPP4, Avery CPN4, Carole MORP3, Stephanie UTR2, Caleb MOR2
Immunity: Carole
Voted Out: Stephanie [3-2] stephanie/avery vote leon
[Strategy] When Stephanie finally doesn't win immunity, Leon makes this the reason for her to leave the game. Avery is happy because his final three is now in the dominant position, and he moves to take out Leon who is far too happy for him to still be here. Carole doesn't like this and discusses with Caleb about keeping Leon and Caleb would rather Stephanie go. They can't get to the final two if she wins every challenge after this. Carole is very much on the fence as to what to do. Avery and Leon are contrasted, as Avery revels at this control of the game through lies and manipulation while Leon enjoys that he has control by respect and kindness. At the vote, kindness overcomes manipulation and Stephanie is voted out 3-2.
[Characters] Stephanie MORN3, Avery CPN4, Leon CPP5, Carole CP4, Caleb MOR2
Immunity: Carole
Voted Out: Caleb [2-2] Caleb/Carole vote Leon
Immunity: Leon
Voted Out: Avery
[Strategy] When Carole wins immunity yet again, her and Caleb get excited over the fact that they will possibly be the final two standing. Avery realizes that the two of them have been aligned and feels idiotic for being duped by who he calls "the mentally handicapped". He realizes that he must align with Leon, and he tells Leon about the two's alliance. Leon says he realizes this and that the two of them will probably have to vote together. Avery is glad at this realization, and has no plans on going to the final two with Leon. In order to get the votes out of his way, Avery confronts Carole about her betrayal and asks if they could vote out Leon. Carole agrees and feels bad for backstabbing. At Tribal Council, the votes tie two for Leon and two for Caleb. In a fire-making challenge, Leon easily defeats Caleb and he's voted out. Back at camp, Carole is mad at Avery for lying to her but Avery says they're even now. Both Leon and Avery realize that they need to take Carole to the finals because she is socially awkward/retarded. She is the first out in the final endurance challenge, so it is Avery or Leon for the win. Leon pulls out the victory and it is obvious who is going home. At Tribal Council, he votes out Avery. At FTC, Carole cannot answer the jury questions and Leon wins the game 6-1.
[Characters] Leon CPP5, Avery CPN4, Carole CPP4, Caleb MOR3
Voting History:
Leon [Winner] MORP
Carole [Runner-Up] MOR
Avery [3rd Place] CPN
Caleb [4th Place] UTR
Stephanie [5th Place] CPM
April [6th Place] UTR
Lauren [7th Place] MORN
Trip [8th Place] MORN
Renee [9th Place] CPN
Mitch [10th Place] MORP
Kerry [11th Place] CPP
Jack [12th Place] MORP
Neil [13th Place] OTTN
Maggie [14th Place] MORP
Harley [15th Place] UTRP
Bre [16th Place] OTTM
Original Tribes
Taino- Renee, Lauren, Jack, Kerry, Harley, April, Mitch, Trip
Agouti- Bre, Leon, Neil, Maggie, Caleb, Stephanie, Avery, Carole
Back to the original Borneo format. Shocking I know.
Immunity: Taino
Voted Out: Bre [7-1] maggie
[Strategy] After losing the first immunity challenge horribly, the Agouti tribe decides that they need to vote someone out who is hindering them physically. The target is put onto Maggie's back immediately, which upsets her because she works her hardest. We are introduced to both Neil and Avery in an ironic way. Neil confesses he wants to be the greatest villain this game has ever seen, and sets a plan in motion to keep Maggie around and get in complete control. This is compared with Avery, who confesses that he doesn't like to be the bad guy, but if he has to lie, cheat, and steal- he'll do it. An inner circle is created in the tribe consisting of Avery, Caleb, Leon, Neil, and Stephanie. Leon seems to be the tribe's leader, and he says he takes this role with a great honor. He admits that he'll have to be both under-the-radar and in charge if he wants it to work out. The alliance discusses voting out Maggie, while Neil points out that Bre is very lazy obviously loud so she can here. Bre gets up and asks him what he said, creating a confrontation. Neil and Bre get into it, and Caleb makes a comment about Neil being a loose cannon. At Tribal Council, the tribe keeps the hard-working Maggie over the lazy Bre.
[Characters] Bre OTTM3, Leon MORP3, Neil OTTN4, Maggie CPP3, Caleb UTR2, Stephanie UTR1, Avery CP2, Carole UTR1
Immunity: Agouti
Voted Out: Harley [5-3] harley/kerry/jack vote Renee
[Strategy] Pairs formed up on the Taino tribe very quickly. Renee and Mitch, Lauren and Trip, April and Jack, and Kerry and Harley. Renee was very close with Mitch, bonding over their daughters, when Mitch confided that he was homeless. Renee realizes that she cannot go to the end with Mitch and needs to find greener grasses. As a mother, she has a very close relationship with her daughters and enjoys the company of Lauren and April. She says that they should look out for each other and try to go after Harley & Kerry, who are outcasts in their own right. April seems skeptical because Jack is very smitten with Harley. Kerry thinks that Renee should go because she performed worse in the challenge, and he confides this in Trip and Lauren. Lauren however goes back and tells Renee. The new alliance of six convenes together and discuss who should leave of the two of them, and when Harley is brought up, Jack defends her. Renee says that Jack should have no ties outside of the alliance and therefore must vote out Harley. Jack doesn't like how Renee is taking control. At Tribal Council, Jack defines Renee and votes with Harley against her, but Harley is still voted out 5-3.
[Characters] Renee CPN5, Lauren MORN3, Jack CP4, Kerry CPP3, Harley UTRP2, April MOR2, Mitch UTRP1, Trip UTR1
Immunity: Taino
Voted Out: Maggie [6-1] carole
[Strategy] Realizing that Taino voted out their weakest link and then won makes Stephanie think that Maggie should go this time. Her and Carole are both on the outs of the tribe, but she thinks that Carole does better in challenges. She confesses that the quality of females on her tribe is less-than-spectacular. Caleb makes a comment that Stephanie is superwoman. Carole is worried because no one has really made an alliance with her and she is sure that alliances are made at this point. She asks Avery for an alliance and Avery accepts. He confesses that he'll keep Carole on the side and that'll help him in the grand scheme of things. He notes that she is very logical, but picks up horribly on social cues which will only benefit him. He laughs. Avery discusses with Leon voting out Maggie, and Leon is reluctant because Maggie is such a great force on the tribe. She is kind and hard-working, but doesn't do well in challenges.
[Characters] Caleb MOR2, Stephanie MORM3, Leon CP3, Avery CPN4, Maggie UTRP2, Carole CP4, Neil UTR1
Immunity: Taino
Voted Out: Neil [6-1] caleb
[Strategy] With Carole being the next one to go obviously, Neil wants to shake things up and try to get Caleb voted out, because Caleb messed up the puzzle at the challenge. He tells Leon the vote is for Neil which causes him to be completely confused. He talks to Avery and Avery says he doesn't know what Neil is talking about. While Avery speaks to Stephanie, he tells her that she's flat-chested and she laughs. She confesses that she likes his blunt and cynical sense of humor. Avery confesses that his plan is to pretend that he is 'brutally honest' all of the time but then just lie to everyone's face. Stephanie asks him if he has any final two deals yet, and he lies and says no. They make a pact for the final two. Meanwhile, Leon tells Neil that Caleb isn't leaving and that Leon is just making stuff up. Leon denies this and tells Leon that he has complete control and that Leon should watch his back as the leader. This scares Leon and later, he talks to everyone and they agree to vote out Leon. The votes are shown as they are cast for Leon, and he leaves unanimously.
[Characters] Neil OTTN5, Leon CPP4, Avery CPN4, Stephanie CP3, Carole UTR1, Caleb UTR2
Immunity: Agouti
Voted Out: Jack [5-1-1] jack votes kerry, mitch votes renee
[Strategy] The three girls meet up to discuss who should go that night and Lauren says that she wouldn't mind voting Trip out because he's arrogant and it annoys her. April loves Jack and doesn't want him to get voted out, while Renee points out that she likes Mitch but April will have to 'cut someone's throat' eventually. Kerry realizes that he's on the chopping block and goes to Renee to try to get Jack to go before him. Kerry says that she should understand that he couldn't vote out his pal Harley, which she understands just fine. She appreciates his honesty and decides Jack is a much bigger threat (mostly because he betrayed the alliance). Mitch has an issue voting out Jack because Renee preached about not breaking apart from the alliance and Mitch doesn't like the power-hungry side of Renee. Simultaneously, Jack comes out of the closet to April, which disgusts her. She smiles to his face but confesses that being gay is not of Christ and therefore she cannot support that. At the girls meeting, April says she is fine using Jack from now on and Renee asks if she wouldn't mind voting him out tonight. April says she wouldn't. At Tribal Council, Jack says what a moment it was for him and April's true colors come out. Jack ends up getting most of the votes, but Mitch casts a vote for Renee and says it's to 'bring [her] down a peg'.
[Characters] Mitch MORP2, Kerry CPP4, Jack OTTP3, Trip UTRN1, Renee CPN5, April MORN4, Lauren MOR2
Immunity: Agouti
Voted Out: Kerry [5-1] april
[Strategy] Kerry is hanging on by a thread and doesn't know how to get into the alliance in order to keep him safe. He goes to Trip to try to make him realize that the girls are together, but Trip is very confident and confesses that he has the game 'wrapped up' and will take Lauren to the end and beat her. Since Kerry is going, Trip doesn't mind lying to him a bit for fun and tells Kerry that he will do his best to keep him safe. Renee meanwhile is freaking out about the one vote that was for her, and accuses Kerry but he says it wasn't him. Mitch confesses that he wishes he hadn't had done it, because dealing with Renee at this point is unbearable. Speaking with Kerry, Kerry tells Mitch he'll be next if he doesn't shape up because the girls are all together. Mitch refutes this, but begins to worry. He notices now that Jack is gone that April follows Renee around like a pet. At Tribal Council, Kerry's attempts are futile and he is voted out unanimously.
[Characters] Trip OTTN3, Kerry MORP3, Mitch CP4, Renee OTTN4, April UTRN1, Lauren UTR1
Immunity: Agouti
Voted Out: Mitch [3-2] mitch/renee vote Trip
[Strategy] After losing the Immunity Challenge yet again, the tribe realizes that voting out all of the strong men has proven to be a hindrance. Knowing that the merge has to be next round, the girls decide who out of MItch and Trip will be voted out. Lauren things Mitch should go because he'll win in the finals, and Renee accuses her of just taking the words out of her mouth. Mitch confronts Renee about the female alliance and Renee confesses it's true. Mitch asks if he's going and Renee says it's very possible. Lauren and Trip are both seen flirting in the ocean, and both confessing how they hate each other and are just using each other. Renee speaks with April about voting for Trip, which makes her realize that she is the swing vote. Mitch discusses in confession how much of a great journey this has been for him and how much you realize you have when living in conditions like the ones he's in. Lauren goes to April and tells her that she trusts her 100%. April confesses that she really doesn't know what to do, because she has great relationships with both Lauren and Renee. At Tribal Council, April votes Mitch out and he leaves 3-2.
[Characters] April CP4, Renee CP4, Mitch CPP5, Trip MORN2, Lauren MORN3
Immunity: Trip
Voted Out: Renee [6-3] renee/lauren/trip vote caleb
[Strategy] The tribes merge into the new Carib tribe, where everyone seems to get along famously. Realizing that they have a distinct disadvantage, the old Taino tribe tries to save face somehow. Renee strikes up a conversation with Stephanie, and tries to talk about getting a female alliance going, to the final 5. Stephanie says she'll see and tells Avery about it immediately. Avery doesn't want another strategist in the game, so he tells his tribe that Renee is the leader (although this is true, he is lying). Leon makes a connection with April due to their Christian roots and April says she can see herself making a deal with Leon in the future. When Trip wins immunity (and celebrates very obnoxiously), the three girls immediately turn on each other. April clings to Leon while Renee tries to get Caleb voted out because Stephanie admits that 'he isn't close to anyone'. The former Agouti discuss voting out the girls, and they go back in forth between Renee and Lauren. In the end, Renee ends up getting the votes and becomes the first member of the jury.
[Characters] Renee CP4, Avery CPN4, Leon MORP3, April MOR3, Stephanie MORN3, Lauren UTR1, Trip UTRN1, Caleb UTR2, Carole MOR2
Immunity: Stephanie
Voted Out: Trip [7-1] lauren
[Strategy] Noticing how close Leon and April were getting, Avery decided that April should be the next one to go. Caleb, someone who has been very shy, confesses that he needs to start being proactive or he's going to get voted out. He makes a connection with Lauren and tells her that he likes her. Lauren realizes that now Caleb is a much better person to be with than Trip, so she lets Trip know how much she hates him. Trip retaliates and they fight about how horrible the other is. The rest of the tribesmates watch along as this happens. Caleb regrets that Lauren was the person he chose. Avery realizes that he doesn't have a strong grip as he thought he did when Leon, as the leader, says that Trip should go as an immunity threat. Even Avery's ally Carole agrees with Leon, which scares Avery. Stephanie the "superwoman' wins immunity but doesn't gloat like Trip did. Avery talks to Carole about voting out April and tells her why, and Carole confesses that she loves Leon and wants him to have someone that he can enjoy being around. In the end, Trip is voted out unanimously.
[Characters] Trip OTTN3, Lauren OTTN5, Avery CP3, Caleb CP3, Leon MORP3, Stephanie UTR2, April UTRP1, Carole MOR2
Immunity: Stephanie
Voted Out: Lauren [5-2] lauren/caleb vote april
[Strategy] Stephanie wins immunity once again, and by this time it is obvious that Lauren has paired up with Caleb and April has paired up with Leon. Avery creates a final three alliance of himself, Carole, and Stephanie. Stephanie isn't too sure about this and still wants to go to the final five with her original tribe, so she sets the groundwork to get Lauren out, because Caleb has no pull. She talks to Leon and April and they are both okay with the idea. She tells Avery how she's voting and Avery goes along with it. Stephanie says that only the strong should survive and that Lauren is not a 'strong person'. Lauren is shown playing the same game with Caleb that she did with Trip and this annoys April, who says that Lauren is just a spoiled girl. Carole feels bad for Caleb's shyness and they bond a little bit. She contemplates voting out Lauren at this point behind his back. At Tribal Council, the plan comes together and Lauren is sent packing.
[Characters] Stephanie CPN5, Lauren OTTN3, April MOR2, Leon UTR1, Avery MOR3, Carole CP4
Immunity: Stephanie
Voted Out: April [5-1] caleb
[Strategy] April confides to Leon about her backstabbing Jack pre-merge because of his 'wickedness', which completely upsets Leon. He realizes that his faith has been blinding him from the game and that he's used it as an escape from the game. he gets back into full force and realizes that he no longer has control of his tribe, but that Avery does. Stephanie and Avery seem very smitten, which Carole doesn't like because she is afraid she is going to be voted out come the final three. Carole continues her relationship with Caleb and the two make a pact to join together in the game. They bond over their awkwardness around people. Leon calls a meeting with everyone when April goes off to the bathroom and says that he knows he has been hanging out with her, but that he wants to be the leader of the tribe again. They all group-hug and his charm is evident. This makes Avery roll his eyes. Avery considers getting Leon out before April, which would make his game even more but Carole and Stephanie love him a lot. At Tribal Council, April is given the boot.
[Characters] April MORN3, Leon CPP4, Avery CPN4, Carole MORP3, Stephanie UTR2, Caleb MOR2
Immunity: Carole
Voted Out: Stephanie [3-2] stephanie/avery vote leon
[Strategy] When Stephanie finally doesn't win immunity, Leon makes this the reason for her to leave the game. Avery is happy because his final three is now in the dominant position, and he moves to take out Leon who is far too happy for him to still be here. Carole doesn't like this and discusses with Caleb about keeping Leon and Caleb would rather Stephanie go. They can't get to the final two if she wins every challenge after this. Carole is very much on the fence as to what to do. Avery and Leon are contrasted, as Avery revels at this control of the game through lies and manipulation while Leon enjoys that he has control by respect and kindness. At the vote, kindness overcomes manipulation and Stephanie is voted out 3-2.
[Characters] Stephanie MORN3, Avery CPN4, Leon CPP5, Carole CP4, Caleb MOR2
Immunity: Carole
Voted Out: Caleb [2-2] Caleb/Carole vote Leon
Immunity: Leon
Voted Out: Avery
[Strategy] When Carole wins immunity yet again, her and Caleb get excited over the fact that they will possibly be the final two standing. Avery realizes that the two of them have been aligned and feels idiotic for being duped by who he calls "the mentally handicapped". He realizes that he must align with Leon, and he tells Leon about the two's alliance. Leon says he realizes this and that the two of them will probably have to vote together. Avery is glad at this realization, and has no plans on going to the final two with Leon. In order to get the votes out of his way, Avery confronts Carole about her betrayal and asks if they could vote out Leon. Carole agrees and feels bad for backstabbing. At Tribal Council, the votes tie two for Leon and two for Caleb. In a fire-making challenge, Leon easily defeats Caleb and he's voted out. Back at camp, Carole is mad at Avery for lying to her but Avery says they're even now. Both Leon and Avery realize that they need to take Carole to the finals because she is socially awkward/retarded. She is the first out in the final endurance challenge, so it is Avery or Leon for the win. Leon pulls out the victory and it is obvious who is going home. At Tribal Council, he votes out Avery. At FTC, Carole cannot answer the jury questions and Leon wins the game 6-1.
[Characters] Leon CPP5, Avery CPN4, Carole CPP4, Caleb MOR3
Voting History: