Season ten, like season five before it, brought back twenty-two memorable contestants from the series to compete in a bloodbath. What started out as a blindside-fest quickly turned into a personal, rugged game, where villains and heroes were unclear, and the unpredictability continued until the end. After a wildly contested Final Tribal Council, Chelsea Meissner surprised everybody to become the series' second Ultimate Survivor in a 3-2-2 vote. Survivor: Chelsea Meissner
Runner-up: Mark Anthony "Papa Bear" Caruso, Heidi Strobel
Ultimate Game: Chelsea Meissner, Heidi Strobel, Anthony Robinson, Eliza Orlins, Misty Giles, Adam Gentry, Michelle Tesauro, Tracy Hughes-Wolf, Brenda Lowe, Yau-Jess Chan, Parvati Shallow